SCSU Administration and Faculty Association Committees
(Including Task Forces, Work Groups, and Advisory Boards)

Academic Calendar Committee

Charge: Reviews and recommends academic calendar.
Committee Members
Faculty representatives appointed by Faculty Association:
Herberger Business School (HBS): Sarah Sengupta (MGMT&Entrepreneurship/2025)
College of Health & Wellness Professions (CHWP): Kim Scott (Nursing/2025)

Academic Policy Working Group

Charge: Reviews and recommends academic policy language.
Committee Members
Executive Committee appointee (new fall 2017):
 Mumbi Mwangi (EC/2024)
Faculty Appointed by Faculty Senate via AA Committee: VACANT (2024)
Faculty Appointed by Faculty Senate via AA Committee: VACANT (2024)

ADA Committee (new November 2012)

The ADA Committee will address and respond to ADA issues across campus by recommending policies and procedures that reflect established Best Practices. The ADA Committee will promote accessibility to services and facilities that goes beyond mere compliance and strives to help create a campus that is truly welcoming to all.
Committee Members
Faculty representative appointed by Faculty Association:
 VACANT (2027)

Alnwick Program Committee (new spring 2014)

Charge: Provides strategy and management for programs at Alnwick.
Committee Members
Faculty representatives (3) appointed by Faculty Association:
Rochelle Dyer (Social Studies Education/CoELD/2025)
Janet Tilstra (CSD/CHWP/2025)
Will Collis-Prather (COSE/2024)
Aspa Rigopoulou-Melcher (GEOG&PLAN/HBS/2026)
Faculty representative (1) from FA International Studies Committee: VACANT (2024)
Faculty representative (1) from British Studies Minor Director: Gareth John (GEOG&PLAN/COSE/ex officio)

Assessment Steering Committee  

The mission of the SCSU Assessment Steering Committee is to improve student learning through facilitating, monitoring, and improving the assessment of programs across the University.
Committee Members
One representative from the FA Liberal Education Curriculum Committee: VACANT (2024)
Ten faculty: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts (SOTA): Judy Dorn (ENGL/2026)
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts (SOTA): 
VACANT (2025)
College of Education and Learning Design (CoELD): J.M. Pickle (SPED/2026) 
College of Science & Eng (COSE) excl School of Comp, Eng & Env (SCEE): 
VACANT (2025)
Herberger Business School (HBS): 
Fahmy Jalani (IS/2025)
School of Computing, Engineering & Environment (SCEE): 
VACANT (2025)
College of Health & Wellness Professions (CHWP): 
Joy McKenzie (CSD/2025)
School of the Arts (SOTA): 
VACANT (2025)
Special Services (SS): Robin Ewing (UL/2024)

Atwood Center Council

The Atwood Center Council shall serve primarily as an advisory body to the Atwood director. Its recommendations will be given appropriate weight in decisions affecting Atwood Center policies. In addition to its advisory capacity, the council may initiate and examine goals, policies, and guidelines for the use of Atwood Center facilities, and will review and evaluate the operational budget. Committee Members
VACANT (2026)

Campus Academic Technology Teams (CATTs) (new fall 2015) 

Committee Members
Ten faculty: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts  (SOTA): 
Jason Lindsey (POL/2026)
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts (SOTA): Choonkyong Kim (ENGL/2025)
College of Education and Learning Design (CoELD):  Vacant (2025)
College of Science & Eng (COSE) excl School of Comp, Eng & Env (SCEE): Eric Fuller (GEOG&PLAN/2026)
Herberger Business School (HBS): Hazem Farra (IS/2026)
School of Computing, Engineering & Environment (SCEE): Adriano Cavalcanti (2026)
College of Health & Wellness Professions (CHWP): Janet Tilstra (CSD/2026)
School of the Arts (SOTA): VACANT (2026)
Special Services (SS): VACANT (2024)

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Advisory Committee

Membership Commitment 
As part of the commitment to the Center’s mission and vision, each member will:
**Serve for a period of 3 years, on staggered terms, with the possibility of renewal for an additional term.
**Attend at least 75% of all meetings during the year. 
**Participate in at least 1 sub-committee as needed.
**Engage in CETL Initiatives in multiple ways.
**Communicate support for CETL Initiatives to respective constituencies and encourage their participation.
**Notify the CETL Director if proceeding on sabbatical for the following year.
**If any member is unable to honor the commitments, he or she may request to be replaced. 
Committee Members
Ten faculty: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot with 3-year staggered terms.
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts (SOTA): VACANT (2026)
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts (SOTA): Marcy Young Illies (PSYC/2025)
College of Education and Learning Design (CoELD): Vacant (2024)
College of Science & Eng (COSE) excl School of Comp, Eng & Env (SCEE): VACANT (2026)
Herberger Business School (HBS): Hazem Farra (IS/2026)
School of Computing, Engineering & Environment (SCEE): John Mirth (MME/2024)
College of Health & Wellness Professions (CHWP): Vacant (2024)
School of the Arts (SOTA): Fahmy Jalani special 1 yr appt (HBS/2024) (2024)
Special Services (SS): Jennifer Quinlan (2025)
Ex-officio Members:
Academic Technology Team Rep: Sarah Clark
Assessment Steering Committee Rep: Vacant
Service Learning Steering Committee Rep: VACANT
Faculty Association Executive Committee Rep (one-year term): Vacant (2024)
CETL Director: Janet Tilstra
Faculty Fellow for New Faculty Orientation: Vacant
Associate Provost for Faculty and Student Affairs: Ajay Panicker
AFSCME (one rep): VACANT
MSUAASF (one rep)
: Holly Schuck
MAPE (one rep)
: Christopher Stanley

Concurrent Enrollment Community Advisory Board 
(new fall 2015)

Charge and purpose: The duties of the S2S Advisory Board include the following: providing strategic advice and input relating to concurrent enrollment issues; recommend proposals for concurrent enrollment; serve as a coordinating entity between secondary education and postsecondary institutions; and increase the understanding and collaboration among concurrent enrollment partners, stakeholders, the legislature, and the public.
Committee Members
Four Faculty Representatives with 3-year terms, rotating 
Anna Yeo (SW/CHWP/2025)
Oladele Gazal (BIOL/COSE/2025) 
Vacant (CHWP/2024) 
Rochelle Dyer (Social Studies Education/CoELD2026) 

Equity 2030 strategic committee (
New Fall 2023)

The Equity 2030 Strategic Committee is led by Vice President of Equity and Inclusion, Chocoletta Simpson. The faculty appointee will serve a two-year appointment, attend monthly meetings, and provide updates on Equity 2030-related initiatives that will be compiled/reviewed monthly and provided to me bi-monthly.

Committee Member
Melissa Prescott (UL/2025)

Faculty Athletics Advisory Committee

This committee is charged with the important responsibility of recommending policies governing athletics and guiding and supervising athletics according to the policies approved by the President.
Committee Members
 Institutional Representative to the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference, Bill Hudson
Ten faculty: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot.

College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts (SOTA): VACANT (2025)
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts (SOTA): VACANT (2026)
College of Education and Learning Design (CoELD): VACANT (2024)
College of Science & Eng (COSE) excl School of Comp, Eng & Env (SCEE): VACANT (2024)
Herberger Business School (HBS): HungChih “Alvin” Yu (GEOG&PLAN/2026)
School of Computing, Engineering & Environment (SCEE): VACANT (2026)
School of Health & Human Services (SHHS): Lori Ulferts (Kinesiology/2026)
School of the Arts (SOTA): VACANT (2024)
Special Services (SS): Michael Gorman (UL/2026)

Health and Wellness Committee

The purpose of this committee is to promote health and well being for the SCSU community.
Committee Members
Kim Scott (NURS/CHWP/2025/IFO/FA)

Honorary Doctorate Committee

This committee is responsible for reviewing nominations for honorary doctorates.
Committee Members
Four professors (serve four-year staggered terms)

Bill Hudson (FIRE/HBS/2021-2025)
Consoler Teboh (SW/CHWP 2023-2025)
VACANT (2028)
Steve Anderson (ALC/SS/2022-2026)

International Advisory Committee (new spring 2014)

Charge and purpose: Advises the Associate Vice Provost of International Studies regarding the university's plan and progress toward its internationalization goals.
Committee Members (International Studies Committee members)
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts SOTA Joseph Melcher* (PSYC/2024)
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts SOTA Michael Schwartz (ENGL/2024)
College of Education and Learning Design (CoELD) Jennifer Christensen (SPED/2024)
College of Science & Eng (COSE) excluding SCEE Jeff Chen (MATH&STAT/2025)
Herberger Business School (HBS) Rajesh Gulati (MKTG/2026)
School of Computing, Engineering & Environment (SCEE) Li Zhang (FIRE/HBS 1 yr appt 2024) (2026)
College of Health & Wellness Professions (CHWP) Vacant (2026)
School of the Arts (SOTA) Kathryn Johnson (SPED/CoELD 1 yr appt 2024) (2024)
Special Services (SS) Michele Barron-Albers (SPED/CoELD 1 yr appt 2024) (2026)
Member appointed by FA President Vacant (2024)
Member appointed by FA President Elena Kurinski (Languages & Cultures/CLA/2025)
Member appointed by FA President Aspa Rigopoulou-Melcher (GEOG&PLAN/HBS/2026)

IT Advisory Council (new spring 2014)

Charge and purpose: The  SCSU IT Advisory group will be convened by the Chief Information Officer of  SCSU and will provide, coordination, communication, and budget and portfolio  prioritization recommendations for IT activities at SCSU. It will consider all dimensions and applicability of IT in the operations  and learning environments on the SCSU campus and related operations. This  will include but not be limited to:
1. Investment recommendations.
2. Project and technology prioritization for the teaching and learning  environment as well as “back office” operations.
3. Staffing and support issues related to IT.
4. The advisory group will be asked periodically to do a gap analysis  between the desired state and actual state of IT capabilities on campus along  with making recommendations to meet current and future requirements.
5. The advisory group will be asked to coordinate with existing technology  groups on campus such as IFO TPR to coordinate resources and results as well  as provide direction to the ITS functions(s) on campus.
6. Communications between functional groups on campus and ITS  operations.
Committee Members
Chief Information Officer
Deputy Chief Information Officer Phil Thorson (interim chair)
Chief Financial Officer Vacant
Administrator Jennifer Matzke
Administrator VACANT
Administrator VACANT
MAPE Representation Carol Rose
Student Representation VACANT
Student Representation VACANT
Academic Affairs Representation Adel Ali
Academic Affairs Representation Vacant
IFO Representation Vacant (SHHS/2024)
IFO Representation Shakour Abuzneid (CSIT/SCEE/2025)
IFO Representation Adriano Cavalcanti (SCEE/2026)
IFO Representation HungChih “Alvin” Yu (GEOG&PLAN/HBS/2024)
IFO Representation Laurie Crane (NURS/CHWP/2024)
AFSCME Representation Catherine Coats
MSUSAAF Representation Brenda Zamlen
MMA Representation Vacant

Multicultural Resource Center Advisory Board

MRC Advisory Board FA membership: 
Six faculty will be elected by the Faculty Senate to represent the Faculty Association. These faculty can represent any college and multiple people can be elected from a single college. The terms will be for three years. The terms will be staggered with elections for two representatives each fall. Board members can be re-elected. The entire Faculty Senate will vote and the six people receiving the highest number of votes will be elected this fall (2009). Beginning next fall (2010), the top two vote recipients will be elected. 
Committee Members 
Two faculty from any academic unit to serve for three years (appointed fall 2023-2026): 
Yeo (Anna) Younsook (SW/SHHS), Aeriel Ashlee (CPCF/SHHS)
Two faculty from any academic unit to serve for three years (appointed fall 2021-2024): Sheila Moriarty (SW/SHHS), Vacant
Two faculty from any academic unit to serve for three years (appointed fall 2022-2025): Kyoko Kishimoto (Gender & WS/CLA), Rob Galler (HIST/CLA)

Neighborhood University Community Council (NUCC)

This committee is charged with the responsibility to provide a vehicle for continuing communication of concerns among SCSU, neighborhood, and St. Cloud community; to create an environment of continuing mutual respect and support; to make communications to member groups and other organizations on issues affecting the welfare of the neighborhood, community, and university; to actively work to solve problems affecting the three groups.
Committee Members
SCSU faculty member appointed by the Faculty Association
: VACANT (2026) & Brian Valentini (COELD/2026)

Parking Appeals Committee

The committee is formed to: ensure the parking program is consistently enforced; promote the orderly and safe flow of vehicles and pedestrians while on university property; provide fair and equitable review of contested parking citations and violations; assist to determine parking lot sign wording and strategic location; examine parking lot safety violations and make recommendations for improvement; make recommendations on parking lot layouts and signs; provide information for the Parking Rules and Regulations Booklet; advise on permit fees, ticket fees, and other additional costs; recommend disciplinary actions to the Student Life Judiciary Board for major infractions or habitual minor offenders; assist Parking Coordinator/Security Director in investigating controversial parking problems and make recommendations for improvements.
Committee Members 
Faculty (2)
: Jamie Heiman (ENGL/CLA/2025), Hung-Chin (Alvin) Yu (GEOG&PLAN/HBS/2025) 

Safety Committee

This committee is charged with the important responsibility of promoting a successful safety and health program aimed at accident and illness prevention.
Committee Members
(Chair elected by committee at its first meeting of school year) 
Three SCSU Representatives appointed by Vice President for Administrative Affairs: Vacant, Kevin Whitlock, Jean Sandquist
Four AFSCME Members of Council 5: Vacant Unit 206, Adam Vange Unit 203, Frank Theisen Unit 202, Unit 202 vacant
Safety Administrator: Joe Teff (chair) 
One Student Representative: Vacant
One MAPE (MN Association of Professional Employees) Representative: Gary Bailey
One Student Life & Development: Kenny Hendrickson
One MMA Representative: Mark Hedlund
One MSUAASF: Brenda Zamlen 
One Health Services Representative: Jerry Crissman
IFO Representatives: John Sinko (PHYS/COSE/2025), Michael Ernst (MATH&STAT/2025)
One Chartwells Representative: Vacant 
Others include: Calvin Diggs Athletics 

Scholarship, Research and Creative Achievement Committee (SRCA)

This committee is charged with the following important responsibilities related to sponsored research, creativity, and service: encouraging an environment conducive to faculty and staff participation in such activities and programs; promoting communication among university colleges and units engaging in such activities and programs; coordinating program development efforts in the various colleges and units to minimize duplication and inefficiencies; making recommendations relative to university procedures and policies involving such activities and programs (policy issues will subsequently be reviewed through appropriate governance channels); and fostering positive, constructive, and consistent communication with outside agencies and constituent groups. 
Committee Members
College Research Directors:
Ten faculty: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot.
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts (SOTA): Elena Kurinski (Languages & Cultures/2024)
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) excluding School of the Arts (SOTA): VACANT (ENGL/2025)
College of Education and Learning Design (CoELD): Frances Kayona (ELHE/2024)
College of Science & Eng (COSE) excl School of Comp, Eng & Env (SCEE): John Sinko (PHYS/2025)
Herberger Business School (HBS): Hazem Farra (IS/2026)
School of Computing, Engineering & Environment (SCEE): Shakour Abuzneid (CSIT/2024)
School of Health & Human Services (SHHS): Vacant (2025)
School of the Arts (SOTA): VACANT (/2024)
Special Services (SS): Mikhail Blinnikov Special 1-yr appt (GEOG&PLAN/COSE/2024) (2024)

University Archives Advisory Committee

Charge: The University Archives Advisory Committee maintains the corporate memory of St. Cloud State University by preserving and making available for use the University records and publications of continuing value. The purpose of the committee is to advise the University Archivist on guidelines, projects, and outreach.
Committee Members
University Archivist as convener:
 Tom Steman (Chair)
Representative from President's or Provosts office (appointed by Provost):
 Judith Siminoe
University Library Dean: 
Rhonda Huisman
Two Faculty Representatives (appointed by the FA):
 Gareth John (2022-2025); Christopher Lehman (2023-2026)
Student Representative (appointed by the Student Government Association):
Emeritus faculty or retired staff person (recruited by the Archivist): Bill Morgan
A staff member (recruited by the Archivist): XAkk Asphodel
President Appointed Expert: Maureen O’Brien