• A.  Membership: Five members elected as at-large representatives of the Faculty Association, which will not comprise more than two faculty members from one major unit. 

    B.   Duties: Review all college and university policies related to:

    1. Definitions of scholarship/research in order to preserve a broad definition that is consistent with the Master Agreement.

    2. SCSU faculty engaging in scholarly activity/research.

    3. The use of college/university space and equipment for conducting or teaching scholarly activities/research.

    4. Any Academic Affairs related matters not covered by other FA committees.

    5. Grade Appeal shared with EC.

    6. Make recommendations on academic policy.

    7. Nominate two committee members to serve on the university-wide Academic Policy Work Group to be appointed by Faculty Senate. One additional member shall be appointed by the Executive Committee from among its members.

    Committee Members

    • Ed Sadrai (CLA/2026)

    • Hanna Belay [CHWP/1-year appointment 2025]

    • Giovanni Antunez (CHWP/2027)

    • Jennifer Benson Jones [CoELD/1-year appointment 2025]

    • Hazem Farra  [1-year appointment, 2025] (HBS/2027)

    Updated 10/24/24

  • A. Membership: Action Coordinator, Faculty Association President, Negotiator. Five members elected as at-large representatives of the Faculty Association, which will not comprise more than two faculty members from one major unit.

    B. Duties: Coordinate activities for the campus consistent with the goals of the IFO State Action Committee.

    Committee Members


    • Mumbi Mwangi (CLA/2025) FA President

    • Mandy Klauck [1-year appointment, 2025] (CLA/2025)

    • VACANT (At-large/2025)

    • VACANT (At-large/2027)

    Updated 10/10/24

  • A.  Membership: Five members elected as at-large representatives of the Faculty Association, which will not comprise more than two faculty members from one major unit.

    B.  Duties:

    1. Provide a faculty voice regarding the university’s budget process, revenues, and expenditures through collaboration and communication with the university’s administration.

    2. Meet at least twice a semester with the university’s CFO.

    3. Provide information to Faculty Association Executive Committee for Meet and Confer.

    Committee Members

    • Amanda Hemmesch-Breaker (CLA/2026)

    • Amy Fredin (HBS/2026, FA Treasurer/2025)

    • Gilvert Angervil (HBS/2027)

    • Mumbi Mwangi (CLA, FA President/2025)

    • Semya Hakim (CoELD, FA Vice President/2025)

    Updated 10/10/24

  • A. Membership: Five members elected as at-large representatives of the Faculty Association, which will not comprise more than two faculty members from one major unit.

    B. Duties:

    1. Investigate, analyze, and recommend amendments to the FA constitution that improve performance, function, and operation of the FA at SCSU.    

    2. Update and maintain the FA's Constitution, Operating Procedures, and Document Control Policy.

    3. Review the necessity, purpose, and duties of all FA standing committees.

    4. The chair will be responsible for seeing that the master copy of the constitution in the FA office is current and correct.

    5. Review the Constitution, Procedures, and Document Control for alignment with IFO Master Agreement, and MnSCU or other state documents.

    Committee Members

    • Semya Hakim (CoELD/2026)

    • Gareth John [CLA/1-year appointment 2025]

    • Amy Fredin (HBS/2025)

    • VACANT (At-large/2026)

    • VACANT (At-large/2027)

    Updated 10/10/24

    • Adjunct - VACANT

    • Fixed-term - Faith Ericson

  • Faculty Association equity committees be replaced by separate caucuses (Faculty of Color, Feminist Issues/Women Faculty, LGBTQ+ Faculty), and each will have representation in Faculty Association governance and on statewide IFO equity committees. 

    Explanation: The intent of this resolution is for equity groups to select their own representatives on campus and to statewide committees. This enhances direct communication of each group’s interests to its representative(s) and provides more accountability. This is consistent with current efforts to expand membership and their engagement. [IFO Joint Equity Committees and IFO Faculty of Color Caucus] 


    • Elizabeth Scheel-Keita (local convener)

    • Maegan Jones (EC Rep)

  • Faculty Association equity committees be replaced by separate caucuses (Faculty of Color, Feminist Issues/Women Faculty, LGBTQ+ Faculty), and each will have representation in Faculty Association governance and on statewide IFO equity committees. 

    Explanation: The intent of this resolution is for equity groups to select their own representatives on campus and to statewide committees. This enhances direct communication of each group’s interests to its representative(s) and provides more accountability. This is consistent with current efforts to expand membership and their engagement. [IFO Joint Equity Committees and IFO Faculty of Color Caucus] 


    • Mumbi Mwangi (convener)

    • VACANT (EC Rep)

  • Faculty Association equity committees be replaced by separate caucuses (Faculty of Color, Feminist Issues/Women Faculty, LGBTQ+ Faculty), and each will have representation in Faculty Association governance and on statewide IFO equity committees.

    Explanation: The intent of this resolution is for equity groups to select their own representatives on campus and to statewide committees. This enhances direct communication of each group’s interests to its representative(s) and provides more accountability. This is consistent with current efforts to expand membership and their engagement. [IFO Joint Equity Committees and IFO Faculty of Color Caucus]


    • Jamie Opper (IFO & local convener) 

    • Maegan Jones (EC rep)   

  • Faculty Association equity committees be replaced by separate caucuses (Faculty of Color, Feminist Issues/Women Faculty, LGBTQ+ Faculty), and each will have representation in Faculty Association governance and on statewide IFO equity committees.

    Explanation: The intent of this resolution is for equity groups to select their own representatives on campus and to statewide committees. This enhances direct communication of each group’s interests to its representative(s) and provides more accountability. This is consistent with current efforts to expand membership and their engagement. [IFO Joint Equity Committees and IFO Faculty of Color Caucus]


    • Vacant (local convener) 

    • Maegan Jones (EC Rep)

  • A. Membership: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot.

    B.  Duties: the committee shall devise guidelines for, and make recommendations concerning the allocation of university research funds that have been set aside for faculty research grants, long-term improvement grants, and summer special projects.

    Committee Members

    • Elena Kurinski (CLA/2026)

    • Eddah Mutua (CLA/2027)

    • Frances Kayona (CoELD/2027)

    • Janet Tilstra (CHWP/2026)

    • Dele Gazal (COSE/2026)

    • Eric Little (SCEE/2026)

    • Ning Hou (HBS/2026)

    • VACANT (SS/2027)

    Updated 10/10/24

  • A. Membership: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot. A balance of political philosophies shall be maintained by this committee.

    B. Co-chairs: elected by the committee representing each major political party in the state. They will represent SCSU FA on the IFO Government Relations Committee.

    C. Duties:

    1. Develop and maintain, individually and collectively, ongoing contact with all area legislators and with the legislative and administrative leadership in the state.

    2. Study, notify, and advise the faculty of legislation and other governmental actions which will affect faculty employment and the welfare of the university.

    3. Recommend to the Faculty Senate on political measures for discussion and action by the FA.

    4. Prepare in concert with other Faculty Committees action and activities in support of the passage of legislation related to FA goals and objectives.

    5. Participate with other bargaining units and the student representatives in joint campus efforts related to legislation and governmental actions affecting SCSU; consult and cooperate with IFO, SCSU, MSUSA, etc. lobbyists on issues of common concern.

    Committee Members

    • VACANT (CLA/2027)

    • Brian Valentini (CoELD/2027)

    • Amy Fredin (HBS/2026)

    • Rebecca Nelson Crowell (CHWP/2027)

    • Sarah Sengupta [HBS, representing SOTA/1-year appointment 2025] (SOTA/2026)

    • Dick Andzenge (CHWP representing SS/2027)

    • VACANT (CLA/2027)

    • VACANT (COSE/2027)

    Updated 01/31/25

  • A. Membership: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot. The University Curriculum Coordinator will serve as an ex-officio member.

    B. Duties: the Graduate Curriculum and Academic Policy Committee shall have the responsibility and right to make recommendations to the Faculty Senate as a result of the Committee's performance of the following duties:

    1. Establish graduate policies, procedures, and regulations in relationship to the general purposes and goals of the Graduate Faculty and the University.

    2. Advise the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies on graduate curriculum and related matters.

    3. Evaluate administrative proposals that have graduate curriculum implications (including the initiation, expansion, discontinuation, or reduction of programs or academic units), and make recommendations accordingly.

    4. Review the graduate academic and curricular programs, policies, and practices for improvements and change, and make recommendations accordingly.

    5. Review and make recommendations on graduate curriculum proposals, coordinating with the Undergraduate Curriculum and Academic Policy Committee when appropriate.

    6. Develop criteria and policy for membership and act on recommended appointments to the graduate faculty.

    Committee Members

    • Michael Schwartz (CLA/2026)

    • Rachel Friedensen (CoELD/2027)

    • Sarah Sengupta (HBS/2027)

    • Andy Anda (SCEE/2027)

    • Sara DeVos (CHWP /2027)

    • VACANT (CLA/2026)

    • VACANT (COSE/2027)

    • VACANT (SS/2027)

    Updated 01/31/25

  • A grievance MUST be initiated 30 working days after the incident or after knowledge of the incident. Please contact grievance Chair Semya Hakim for more information.

    A. Membership: A minimum of one member from each Major Unit appointed by the FA President with the approval of the Faculty Senate. Two-year terms with half being appointed each year. Members may be reappointed to continuing terms.

    B. Duties:

    1. Elect the chair of the committee each year.

    2. Help grievance officers and chairperson of the committee to pursue and process grievance cases in accordance with Article VI.

    3. Review policy and procedures periodically, recommending changes if necessary.

    4. Establish and maintain a regular reporting relationship with Faculty Senate.

    5. Establish and maintain information on grievances, which maintains the confidentiality of the grievant (unless the grievant grants a release of confidentiality) through the entire process of settlement.

    6. Provide grievance officer training.

    7. Chair schedules regular grievance committee meetings, coordinates committee activities, serves as a contact person for the IFO, assigns grievances to committee members on an equitable basis, assists new grievance officers with their grievances, and provides regular communications to the Faculty Senate.

    Committee Members

    • James Heiman (CLA/2025)

    • Tina Sacin (CHWP/2025)

    • Semya Hakim* (CoELD/2025)

    • Matt Julius (COSE/2025)

    Updated 10/10/24

  • A.  Membership: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot. If not included among those elected, up to three additional members appointed by the FA President, selected from among former directors of overseas centers, one of whom is a former director of a foreign language and culture center.

    B. Duties: the committee shall study policies and programs developed for the university's international study opportunities for both students and faculty, and make recommendations through the Faculty Senate to the University President regarding their development and implementation. The committee shall represent the FA on the university-wide International Advisory Committee.

    Committee Members

    • Joseph Melcher (CLA/2027)

    • Jennifer Hawkins (CLA/1-year appointment 2025)

    • Jennifer Christensen (CoELD/2027)

    • Jeff Chen (COSE/2025)

    • Rajesh Gulati (HBS/2026)

    • Elena Kurinski – Member appointed by FA President - (CLA/2025)

    • Aspa Rigopoulou-Melcher* - Member appointed by FA President (HBS/2026)

    • Dick Andzenge  [1-year appointment, 2025] (CHWP/2026)

    • VACANT (SS/2026)

    • VACANT – Member appointed by FA President (2024)

    Updated 10/24/24

  • A.  Membership: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot. The University Curriculum Coordinator will serve as an ex-officio member.

    B. Duties:

    1. Make recommendations to the Faculty Senate concerning liberal education policies.

    2. Examine the liberal education program continually for improvement and make recommendations on Liberal Education course proposals, coordinating with the Undergraduate Curriculum and Academic Policy Committee when appropriate.

    3. Study, help, develop, and make recommendations concerning effective teaching practices, desirable objectives, and educational consequences in the liberal education program.

    4. Help in the planning and development of interdepartmental liberal education courses and assessment.

    Committee Members

    • Deb Gold (CLA/2027)

    • Michelle Hammes (CLA/2026)

    • Semya Hakim, co-chair (CoELD/2027)

    • Nick Haverhals (COSE/2027)

    • Jamie Heiman, co-chair [CLA representing CHWP, 1-yr 2025] (CHWP/2026)

    • Kristian Twombly (SOTA/2025)

    • Hazem Farra  [1-year appointment, 2025] (HBS/2027)

    • VACANT (SS/2026)

    Updated 01/31/25

  • A.Membership: Five members elected as at-large representatives of the Faculty Association, which will not comprise more than two faculty members from one major unit.

    B. Duties: Review and make recommendations on faculty applications for sabbatical leaves, Faculty Improvement Grants, Professional Improvement Grants, Adjunct Grants, and Bush Grants.

    C. Serve as an on-campus peer review group as appropriate for internal faculty professional development and improvement opportunities.

    Committee Members

    • Maria Mikolchak (CLA/2026)

    • Elena Kurinski (CLA/2026)

    • Yongli Zhao (SCEE/2026)

    • Choonkyong Kim (CLA/2026)

    • Robin Ewing [SS/1-year appointment 2025]

    • Jennifer Benson Jones (CoELD/1-year appointment 2025)

    • VACANT (At-large/2027)

    Updated 01/31/25

  • A.  Membership: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot.

    B.  Duties:

    1. Promote the development and use of technology and pedagogical resources on campus, e.g., including but not limited to computers, library books, and classroom supplies for academic programs.

    2. Review general policies for technology and pedagogical resources on campus and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate.

    3. Solicit information from faculty regarding campus needs and issues related to technology and pedagogy.

    4. Recommend technology and pedagogical resources and policies for acquisitions, usage, and repair.

    5. Provide feedback to University Library faculty on policy recommendations and changes.

    Committee Members

    • VACANT (CLA/2026)

    • Michelle Hammes (CLA/2025)

    • Eric Fuller (COSE/2026)

    • Sohel Ahmad (HBS/2026)

    • Sam Judnick [COSE representing SCEE/1-year appointment 2024] (SCEE/2026)

    • Laurie Crane (CHWP/2025)

    • Hazem Farra (SS/2027)

    • VACANT (CoELD/2027)

    Updated 01/31/25

  • A.  Membership: One member elected from each Major Unit Representation Slot. The University Curriculum Coordinator will serve as an ex-officio member.

    B.  Duties: This committee shall make recommendations to the Faculty Senate as a result of its performance of the following duties:

    1. Act for the faculty in matters related to undergraduate curriculum in the manner described in the agreement between MnSCU and the IFO.

    2. Examine the undergraduate curriculum continuously for possibilities of improvement and make recommendation accordingly.

    3. Review and make recommendations on undergraduate curriculum proposals, coordinating with the Liberal Education Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Curriculum and Academic Policy Committee when appropriate.

    4. Establish and act upon academic policies related to undergraduate curriculum.

    5. Aid in establishing guidelines for processing undergraduate curriculum proposals.

    6. Review and make recommendations on courses offered through the Center for Continuing Studies.

    Committee Members

    • Joe Melcher (CLA/2027)

    • Brian Valentini (CoELD/2027)

    • Michele Barron-Albers [CoELD/1-year appointment 2025]

    • Nick Haverhals (COSE/2026)

    • Hazem Farra (HBS/2027)

    • Michael Gorman (SS/2027)

    • Rochelle Dyer [CoELD representing SCEE/1-year appointment 2025] (SCEE/2025)

    • Jennifer Atteberry [CHWP/1-year appointment 2025] (CHWP/2026)

    • Mario Hesse [CHWP representing SOTA/1-year appointment 2025] (SOTA/2026)

    • VACANT (CLA/2027)

    Updated 10/10/2024

    • Amy Fredin

    • Ning Hou

    • Matt Julius

    • Mumbi Mwangi

    • Stephen Philion

    • Brent Roberts